Being lost is not a feeling most people enjoy having. When I was a little kid we had an enormous forest behind my family's house. I would always go into my backyard to either throw a ball around with my dad or friends, play with my sister, watch and learn how to cut grass with my dad, do other lawn work, help my mom in the garden, or explore the forest edge of our property. I would never go too far into the forest because I was absolutely terrified of what was in there. I was young so I still believed in monsters and creatures that could come from the forest. On top of that my family had actually seen coyotes passing through the back yard. My room was in the back of the house and my window looked out directly into the forest. So whenever I saw some creepy movie I would be absolutely terrified of what could come out of there. I always thought something or someone was watching me. One day my older friend went into the woods because he heard another one of his older friends was back there dirt biking. I wanted to follow, so I did. There was a very rough path that lead deeper and deeper into the woods but eventually it faded into nothing because of how far it went. We must have been walking for at least thirty minutes not stopping once because we could hear the bike's noises off in the distance. My friend was very excited to see his friend so he ran ahead and I lost him. Now back then I had to follow him because the path was gone but since he ran ahead I had no path to follow. Once he was out of sight I was absolutely lost. I was terrified and horror struck. I screamed and yelled but no one replied. I picked the direction I thought was the way home and started walking that way. Then I heard a growl and a swift movement behind me and that is when I lost it. I immediately was adrenaline pumped and scared for my life. I sprinted full speed in a straight path that I thought would bring me home. It did bring me home and I ran full speed right into my house, slammed the door, locked it and went and sat on the ground and just yelled out in fear. My mom came running and asked what was wrong and I just stared in shock. I did not go back into those woods for a long time until I was much older. Since then I learned not to take chances if I could get lost. It's a scary world so I try not to get lost anymore.
Edited May 4