If I won one hundred million dollars I would probably go into a small stage of shock at first because I would not be able to believe it happened. I would immediately put all of the money into a bank account and talk to my family and friends about what I should use it on. The first thing I would do is make sure that my family is financially secure for the rest of their lives and have everything they need. I would make sure my dad had no more bills to pay off and own his house. I would see that my mom can finish her schooling and be able to get a job that she will enjoy doing while having her house also paid off. As for my sister I would give her anything she wanted as long as it is not bad. I would get my own place, probably with some of my brothers in my fraternity and we would live together. If I do not get my own place or room with my fraternity brothers I would get a small townhouse so my sister could live there with me and have anything she wanted. I would pay for all her schooling in whatever field she desired and make sure everything went smoothly. She would get any car, clothes, or any material possession within reason. Once my family is totally secure and has everything they would like then I would donate a large sum to my fraternity so all of us could have the coolest events and socials around. We would have all of the best things in our fraternity house and all kinds of money to be able to do large events that could bring in even more money for us all. A problem I have when I have enough money is that I want to give a lot to people I like because I like to see them happy is there is anything I can do to raise their spirits. That is why a lot of my money would go to helping out my sister. I would also give large amounts of money back to my parents as thank yous for raising me and doing so much for me. After all of that I would probably get my self the best quality of material possessions I want like clothes, a car or ten, top of the line computer and laptop equipment, a nice house, and everything to fill those things up. Winning that kind of money would just change my life so much I could not say what more I would do with the money because there is just so much I could do. Although I do know I would be riding a lot of go-karts. I would do my best to be responsible with the money.
Edited May 4
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